Debt Relief Money and Productivity. Short, Sweet & Simple. Mon, 10 Apr 2023 19:59:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debt Relief 32 32 Maximizing Your Credit Score and Minimizing Debt Mon, 10 Apr 2023 19:59:32 +0000 Credit Score Minimizing Debt

In the labyrinth of today's financial landscape, a sturdy credit score serves as a beacon of hope.

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Credit Score Minimizing Debt

In the labyrinth of today’s financial landscape, a sturdy credit score serves as a beacon of hope. It not only acts as a reflection of your financial responsibility but also influences your borrowing power, interest rates on loans, and even employment opportunities. With that said, let’s dive into understanding the importance of a healthy credit score and how to achieve it while minimizing debt.

Understanding the Importance of a Healthy Credit Score

A high credit score can unlock doors to better financial prospects by qualifying you for lower interest rates and favorable terms on loans. Lenders view borrowers with stellar credit scores as low-risk candidates, making them more likely to approve loan applications.

Additionally, a solid credit score is not limited to influencing only your financial aspects but also permeates other areas of your life. Prospective employers may use it as an indicator of reliability in their hiring decisions, while insurers utilize it to determine premiums – ultimately highlighting why maximizing one’s credit score is essential.

Demystifying Credit Score Components and Their Influence

To improve your credit score, you must first understand its components:

Payment History

Arguably the most crucial factor in determining your credit score is timely payments—amounting to 35% of the FICO® Score. By making punctual payments consistently, you send a signal that you are responsible with debt management.

Credit Utilization

This ratio represents how much debt you owe concerning available credit limits. Experts recommend maintaining a utilization rate below 30% to keep your overall score healthy.

Credit History Length, Mix & New Inquiries

The lengthier the history showcasing responsible use, the higher your credit score. Additionally, having a diversified mix of credit types (installment loans and revolving credit) adds to the overall score. Lastly, limiting new credit inquiries can prevent a temporary dip in your score.

Strategic Debt Reduction Techniques

Minimizing debt is an essential part of improving your credit score. Here are some proven techniques:

Debt Avalanche Method

This strategy prioritizes paying off high-interest debt first while maintaining minimum payments on other debts—saving money on interest and shortening repayment time.

Debt Consolidation

By consolidating multiple debts into one loan or balance transfer, you might acquire better terms (lower interest rates or more extended repayment periods), simplifying the process and helping you pay off debt faster.

Balance Transfer Credit Cards

These cards offer low or 0% introductory APR periods on balance transfers, providing temporary relief from high-interest rates and allowing you to make progress in reducing your debt.

Building Credit Score Through Responsible Credit Habits

Fostering responsible habits safeguards the health of your credit score:

Pay Bills on Time

Set up automatic payments for bills to guarantee timely payment, thereby preventing any negative impact on your payment history.

Monitor & Adjust Spending

Keep tabs on your spending patterns to maintain low utilization ratios—a proactive approach that can boost your overall creditworthiness.

Be Selective About New Credit

Limiting new inquiries and being cautious when you apply online for new credit prevents potential damage to your current score by avoiding hard inquiries that may temporarily lower it.

Monitoring and Protecting Your Credit Profile

Regularly reviewing your credit profile ensures that you stay informed about changes in scoring models and adapt accordingly:

Review Credit Reports for Accuracy

Get into the habit of checking reports from all three major bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) annually—disputing errors to rectify potential damage to your credit score.

Utilize Credit Monitoring Services

These services protect you from fraud, identity theft, and other threats by sending alerts when there are significant changes in your credit report, such as new accounts opened under your name.

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power—staying updated on financial trends and industry news allows you to make informed decisions about your credit management strategies.


In conclusion, maximizing your credit score and minimizing debt requires a combination of timely payments, nurturing diverse credit types, maintaining low utilization rates, and regular monitoring. By adhering to these guidelines – coupled with responsible habits – you pave the way toward a flourishing financial future.

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5 Steps to Get Out of Debt Fri, 23 Dec 2022 19:18:24 +0000 debt free steps

The right strategy can help you get back on track and reduce your monthly payments so that you can finally pay off your debts.

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debt free steps

Getting out of debt is hard, but it’s easier if you have a plan. The right strategy can help you get back on track and reduce your monthly payments so that you can finally pay off your debts. In this post, we’ll go over some specific steps you can take to get out of debt faster than ever before!

1. List All Your Debts

The first step to getting out of debt is to figure out how much you owe and what the interest rate is. To do this, list all your debts on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet. Include:

  • The name of the creditor (website, store)
  • The amount owed in total dollars and cents (you can get this from your bank statement)
  • How much interest will accrue each month on that debt. If you’re unsure how much money is needed every month just estimate based off of previous payments made. If there’s no way to know exactly when they’ll be due again like with credit cards then don’t worry about it too much. Just make sure they’re paid as soon as possible!

If there are any fees associated with this loan or line of credit (like late fees), add those numbers into their own columns so that we can easily see how costly it might turn out to be over time.

You can check out this GoodCheddar guide for more tips on how to get out of debt and keep reading below.

2. Decide How Much You Can Pay per Month

  • Make a budget.
  • Decide how much you can afford to pay per month.
  • Make sure you can afford to pay your bills and all other expenses, including rent or mortgage, car payments (or at least a down payment on one), credit card debt, and student loans.

If there are other debts that aren’t being taken care of with the current budget then it may be time for some serious thinking before looking at any new debts! Do not use credit cards as an excuse for not being able to pay off old debts.

If they’re still outstanding then they will continue eating away at whatever savings/investments have been made into paying them off in full.

3. Negotiate Your Interest Rates

The first thing you can do is get a lower interest rate. This will help reduce the amount of money you owe on your debts, but it also means that it will take longer to pay off your debt.

If you’re able to negotiate with creditors, they may be willing to give you a lower interest rate in exchange for paying them back faster or providing collateral (like an asset).

You could also refinance one or more of your debts with another lender—this would allow them to take less money from each monthly payment than what was previously agreed upon between both parties.

Finally, if all else fails and no one seems willing or able to reduce their rates enough for anyone’s liking, there are other options available such as using a debt consolidation loan (DC).

4. Make Sure to Pay Bills on Time

Pay Your Bills on Time Each Month.

This is a no-brainer, but it’s still worth repeating: pay your bills on time each month. If you can’t pay the full amount, make sure you pay the minimum required by law and don’t let them go to collections so that they don’t get tossed out of court.

f there’s any way possible to avoid having a late payment appear on your credit report as an unpaid debt, then do so. It will help keep creditors from harassing or suing you over past-due debts in the future!

5. Be Diligent Moving Forward

When you’re in debt, you need to be diligent about staying on track. You have to make a plan and stick with it, even if it means putting off other things that would help your situation. Don’t give up too easily. You’ll find that there are plenty of ways to keep yourself motivated along the way!

Once you’ve established your goal, it’s time for some hard work behind closed doors. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those around you—and don’t hesitate when they offer their assistance either! It might take longer than expected but eventually, everything will pay off in sweet success.

Getting Out of Debt is Hard, But You Can Do It

Getting out of debt is hard, but with the right plan, you can do it.

The first step is to write down what you owe—and then prioritize your bills and make sure they get paid on time. If possible, try to negotiate with creditors for lower interest rates or better terms (like 0% balance transfer interest).

Doing this will help keep more money in your pocket while reducing the amount of money owed on any one account.

Pay off high-interest debts first: When choosing how much to pay each month toward paying down high-interest debt, consider what would happen if that extra money were put toward something else instead (like saving for retirement).

It’s important not just because it makes sense financially but also because keeping up with these types of accounts takes up so much time and energy that could otherwise be spent elsewhere—such as paying down other debts!

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The Pros and Cons of Getting Debt Consolidation Loans Tue, 13 Dec 2022 21:20:03 +0000 pros cons debt consolidation

You probably have no plans at all to go into debt. But the truth is that life can be pretty unpredictable at certain times.

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pros cons debt consolidation

You probably have no plans at all to go into debt. But the truth is that life can be pretty unpredictable, and sometimes, it’s impossible to avoid getting into debt. That’s just the way it is.

The important thing is finding a way to get rid of debt and stay out of it. One way to do that is by getting a debt consolidation loan from a bank or credit union. Debt consolidation loans are a great way to eliminate your debt, but they’re only for some.

However, before applying for a debt consolidation loan, you must assess its pros and cons to help you decide whether it’s right for you. Read the rest of this article to know more.

The Pros Of Getting Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt consolidation loans are a loan to pay off loans, which is why there are many beneficial reasons to get them. These benefits include the following:

1. Save You Money

You may be paying high-interest rates with multiple credit cards and loans. But a debt consolidation loan has an interest rate that’s lower than your other debts, so you’ll save on finance charges over the course of time.

2. Your Debts Are Paid Off Faster

When you have a lot of unsecured debts, it can take a long time to pay them off. But with a debt consolidation loan, you will think of one monthly payment and can get rid of your other debts much faster than if you’re paying them individually.

3. Get A Better Interest Rate

You might not have thought about this, but the interest rate on your debt consolidation loan is probably better than what you’re paying on your other debts. That’s because lenders are more likely to give you a lower interest rate when they know they’ll take all your loans off their books.  

4. A Better Credit Score

Your credit score is a number that can affect many aspects of your life. Your credit score affects your ability to get a job, get an apartment or loan, and even how much you pay for insurance rates. When dealing with debt, it can be easy to fall behind on payments—making your credit score drop. But your credit score will improve when you consolidate your loans and start making timely payments again.

5. Get Your Life Back On Track

When dealing with debt, it can seem like there’s no end in sight. But when you consolidate your loans and get rid of all those other payments, you’ll be able to focus on what matters: enjoying life again.

6. Easier To Manage Your Payments

When you have just one loan to pay off, it’s easier to manage your payments on time. You won’t have to worry about remembering all of those due dates and making sure that you don’t miss any payments—and that can save you from late fees.

7. Better Financial Position

As you make payments on your debt, it will become easier to get by each month. You’ll have more money for other things, like retirement savings or a vacation. And if you’re able to pay off some of the loans that are costing you high-interest rates, like credit cards and personal loans, those payments will also go down.

The Cons Of Getting Debt Consolidation Loans

As there are benefits to taking consolidation loans, there are also some drawbacks to consider before taking out such a loan which include the following:

1. Regular Payments Are Involved

One of the most significant drawbacks of debt consolidation loans is that you still have to make regular payments. Adding more may be difficult if you need help to make your current loan payments. You’ll need to find the extra money each month and pay it toward your loan until you pay it off.

2. Proof For Being Creditworthy

Another drawback of consolidation loans is that you may need proof of creditworthiness. Many lenders require you to provide your credit score before accepting you as a borrower, which can be difficult if you’re currently having financial problems.

3. Complex Processes To Get Approved

The process of getting a consolidation loan can also be arduous. For example, lenders may require you to have good credit, high income, or assets before they consider giving you a loan. If your current situation doesn’t meet these requirements, then it’s unlikely that you’ll qualify for a consolidation loan.

4. May End Up Being More Expensive

More so, consolidation loans may become more expensive than other types. For example, if you have a high-interest rate on your current loans, it will likely be even higher when you consolidate them into one new loan. It can strain the reasons why you need a budget and make it harder to pay off the debt in time.

5. Interest Rate Forgiveness Is Not Guaranteed

Another issue with consolidation loans is that they don’t always come with interest rate forgiveness. It means you’ll have to pay off your current loans plus all of the interest accrued over time. If this amount is more than the loan amount itself, you may pay more than what you originally owed.


Consolidation loans are one of the best ways to consolidate your debt. They can be a good option for managing your debt if you face multiple loans with high-interest rates and variable payments. However, they are only available for some, and you may end up paying more than what you originally owed if your current situation doesn’t meet specific requirements. Whether you’re choosing to consolidate your loans or not, it’s essential to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each option. You may find that a consolidation loan is wrong, but it’d be best to find other ways to eliminate your debt burden.

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What is Debt Consolidation? Thu, 01 Dec 2022 20:41:04 +0000 debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a type of personal loan that you can use to pay off any high-interest debt that you may have, often from credit cards.

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debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is a type of personal loan that you can use to pay off any high-interest debt that you may have, typically stemming from credit cards.

Consolidating any type of debt allows you to use a single loan to pay off one or more credit card balances. This can make your repayment plan much simpler. Depending on the amount of debt and the terms of the loan, it may also save you lots of money and time.

To decide if applying for in-person or online debt consolidation is right for you, it’s important to learn what debt consolidation is, how it works, and whether it’s suitable for you.

Here’s everything that you should know.

What Is It?

Debt consolidation is defined as the act of taking out a new loan to pay off other liabilities and debts that you may have. In simple terms, multiple types of debt are combined into one single (and much larger) debt that must then be repaid.

This new debt usually comes in the form of a loan and has far more favorable payoff terms including a lower monthly repayment amount, lower interest rates, or both!

This makes it a lot easier for people to keep track of their debts and also manage their cash flow when it comes to making timely repayments.

How Debt Consolidation Works

It works by taking out some form of credit to pay off some or all of an existing debt including credit cards, overdrafts, and loans.

If you have multiple forms of debt, you can apply for a type of loan to consolidate your debts into a single and manageable amount that can then be paid off.

As the first step, people tend to apply for these loans through a credit union, bank, or credit card company. These are all great places to start looking for some extra help, especially if you have a great existing relationship with your chosen banking institution.

If you are turned down for having bad credit or there is something else flagged on your application, there are plenty of other options to consider. This includes a creditor as having debt consolidation maximizes the reality of collecting money from a debtor.

Types of Debt Consolidation

There are two main variations of debt consolidation loans: unsecured and secured. You may also consolidate debt using a credit card. We’ll look into these three methods below.

Secured Loan

Secured debt consolidation loans are backed by one of the borrower’s high-value items (or assets) such as a car or a house. This then works as a form of collateral for the loan, which is a form of security or a ‘safety net’ for the lender in case you do not make repayments.

If you cannot obtain an unsecured loan for any reason, a secured loan ensures that the lender gets their money even if you cannot pay back the loan according to your agreement.

Unsecured Loan

Unsecured loans, on the other hand, are not officially backed by assets and can be more difficult to obtain. You do not need to offer one of your high-value items as collateral for this type of debt consolidation.

You can only borrow a specific amount with this type of loan, but this figure differs depending on the lender that is offering the loan. Unsecured loans also typically have a much higher interest rate and lower qualifying amount than secured loans.

With either type, the interest rates will still be much lower than the rates that tend to be charged on a credit card. In the majority of cases, rates are also fixed, meaning they will not change during the repayment period.

Credit Cards

Another method that is commonly used is to consolidate all credit card debt or payments into an entirely new credit card. This may be a good idea if the credit card charges little to no interest for a specific period.

You might also use the existing balance transfer feature on a credit card, especially if it provides some form of effective promotion on the transaction.

Common Reasons People Consider Debt Consolidation

There are a few general reasons people will consider taking out debt consolidation. We have included some of the most common ones below.

  • Take advantage of the lower interest rate on their debt.
  • Reduce their overall monthly payment amount.
  • Limit the number of companies that they owe money to.
  • Pay off big expenses such as student loans or a mortgage.

When Debt Consolidation Is the Best Move

Adopting a debt consolidation strategy is effective if you meet the following criteria:

  • All monthly debt payments (including your mortgage or any rent that you pay) don’t exceed half of your gross monthly income.
  • You have a cash flow that can easily cover debt repayments.
  • You have good enough credit to qualify for a low-interest debt consolidation loan or a credit card with a 0% interest period.

If you have a relatively manageable amount of debt and are simply looking to reorganize a lot of your bills with different payments, due dates, and interest rates, debt consolidation is an effective approach that you can tackle by yourself.

When Debt Consolidation Isn’t Worth Considering

It’s important to remember that debt consolidation won’t provide a magical way to overcome excessive spending habits that resulted in the initial debt. Nor will it be the best solution if your debt is completely overwhelming.

  • Never use debt consolidation if you have a small amount of debt to pay off. If you can feasibly pay it off within a year or two, it’s not worth the extra effort or additional interest.
  • If your debt totals more than half of your income, you may want to seek some debt relief instead of struggling through debt consolidation.


Debt consolidation is the process of turning multiple debts with different lenders into one manageable and repayable sum with just one lender. It’s useful for individuals with good and bad credit and can often be a more effective way of viewing debts that you may have.

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5 Reasons You’re Broke and How to Fix It Sun, 20 Nov 2022 08:34:00 +0000 fix being broke not poor

Are you broke? Do you call yourself poor? This article explains 5 key reasons why you may be broke, how to fix it, and why you're not poor.

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fix being broke not poor

There is a difference between being broke and being poor.

Broke is a temporary state of finances.

Poor is a mindset.

Before you go on, promise me you will never refer to yourself as poor again. Even if you feel like you are.

You may be broke, but you’re not poor.

Here is why you may be broke and how to stop it…

1. You Bought Too Much House

If your house payment is more than 50% of your income, you can’t afford it.

25% of your income or less is where you really want to be with a house payment. Or even better…0%!

How to Fix it:

2. You Bought Too Much Car

This one blows me away.

Most middle class people are broke because they bought a vehicle they can’t afford.

Figure out how to buy a car you can afford here.

If you have to finance it, you can’t afford it. Most people don’t want to hear that, but it’s true.

Just think about what your retirement would look like if you were able to invest that car payment each month.

New cars and luxury cars are nice, but wait until you can afford them and you don’t have to finance.

How to Fix it:

3. You Spent Money You Didn’t Have

You may be broke because you thought having a credit card meant you didn’t actually have to pay for things.

This is one of the most common reasons to be broke (especially for us Americans).

The good news is this is one of the easiest to fix!

How to Fix it:

  • Find extra work to pay it off quicker
  • Call the company and ask for a settlement
  • Consolidate to a lower interest rate

4. You Decided to Go to School

There is nothing wrong with that. School is expensive.

If you have excessive student loan debt, you really only have one option.

It doesn’t go away.

How to Fix it:

5. You Had Medical Issues

Sometimes your finances are out of your control.

Medical debt can eat you alive, but you can do something about it.

There are a few ways to reduce or eliminate medical debt, depending on the situation.

How to Fix it:

  • Call the company/collector and negotiate
  • Ask the collector for a settlement
  • Be disciplined and hard-working to pay it off

Final Words

Ultimately, if you’re broke, it’s because you spend more than you earn.

That comes in the form of financing, credit cards, and other creative ways.

People come up with new ways to go broke every day.

Stop spending more than you earn and you will stop being broke. It may take time, but it will happen.

Once you get out of the rut, stay out!

Remember one last thing…there are other situations that can make you broke that aren’t as common. Some are in your control and some are not, but either way, only you can fix it.

Photo Credit: Matt Shalvatis, As U Like, Shawn MacEntee, Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., Julen

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10 Debt Collection Myths You Need to Stop Believing Sat, 12 Nov 2022 23:56:18 +0000 debt collection myths

It is too simple to lose patience with the collection calls, late penalties, and stress. It is possible to get out of debt.

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debt collection myths

Debt settlement can be a challenging procedure. The weight of debt may be heavy. It is too simple to lose patience with the collection calls, late penalties, and stress. It is possible to get out of debt.

According to a recent study, late or underpaid invoices affected almost 62% of small businesses in the previous year. These unpaid debts resulted in 38% of respondents saying they had to postpone their payments to suppliers due to late payments.

To ensure they are paid on time, many accounting firms or CFOs thus make the debt collection process a daily priority. You may create a repayment strategy, prevent bankruptcy, and regain control of your finances with options like debt settlement.

Myths about this procedure, however, still exist, which we will debunk soon as you read along.

What is Debt Collection?

Debt collection is the process through which a firm or collection agency seeks to recoup past-due obligations from borrowers. A debt collector may approach you if you still need to pay loan or credit card payments that are critically past due.

You could also be called by a debt collection agency seeking payment for money owing if you’ve co-signed a loan or are an authorized user on a credit card for someone else. Those past-due obligations may include any of the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Auto/car loan debt
  • Debt from personal loans
  • Charge-card debt
  • debt for student loans
  • Unpaid phone and energy bills

Debt collectors are independent businesses that collect on behalf of another company. When a corporation collects debt on behalf of the original creditor, the creditor gives the debt collector a cut of the amount recovered. After you fail to repay the obligation to the original creditor, debt collection companies may occasionally buy out the original debt for pennies on the dollar and pursue you.

BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) firms constantly collect money from individuals, which is outsourced to third-party accounting firms such as IBN Technologies or automated using debt collection software like Growfin. They obtain the banks’ list of payees and handle the collecting activity on their behalf.

There are many myths surrounding these businesses, particularly those that relate to how they function and what they perform. It’s critical to distinguish reality from fantasy regarding this trending issue.

10 Debt Collection Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Myths regarding debt collection might make it challenging to know what to do. We help you learn the truth by dispelling fallacies about debt collection. Here is the information on the top 10 debt collection myths:

1. Since your debts will ultimately “drop off,” why bother?

Many well-intentioned pieces of online sage advise people to ignore debts they cannot pay since creditors are unlikely to take any action, and the problem will ultimately disappear from their credit report.

Even though particular debt, such as credit card debt, may disappear from your credit record after seven years, creditors and debt collection companies who purchase and attempt to collect on debts won’t necessarily let an amount go unpaid. The finest advice for someone in debt is not to ignore it. In the long term, taking timely action can prevent severe issues.

2. Only big enterprises engage in debt collection

Another myth is that only large firms need to use debt collection services. Small businesses typically have a more frequent debt to collect, making them attractive candidates for debt collection firms, even if huge companies may have more outstanding debts to collect.

Profit is essential to all businesses, regardless of size, but only some have internal debt collection experts.

This responsibility often falls under the purview of the finance manager, whether in-house or from an outsourced accounting firm, and is not frequently relished.

However, unpaid invoices should be retained. If you want to have your invoice paid, you must move promptly. Debt recovery organizations may relieve stress, move quickly, and guarantee you receive what is due.

3. It is too late to take action after selling your debt to a debt collector

Creditors frequently sell charged-off debts to debt collectors, who subsequently try to collect from you. Although having a charge-off is a significant bad mark on your credit, some armchair financial gurus may advise you there is little you can do once the original creditor has written it off.

In reality, collection agencies will take tremendous measures to recover the amount, frequently even to the point of suing you. On the other hand, many will also provide payment plans and reduce the balance and interest rate in debt settlement if you’re ready to deal with them. The secret is acting it as soon as possible.

4. It will harm customer relations

Many SMEs often work with the same clients and aim to keep positive, fruitful relationships. Because of this, they are concerned that working with a debt collection firm may sour their relationship. Good debt collection companies are aware of this and take it into account. They recover debts without damaging the debtor’s relationship.

5. The collection won’t affect your credit score if you pay the debt

Your credit score has likely already been harmed before a bill enters collections. You risk doing more harm if you don’t cooperate with a collector. The ideal course of action is to pay your bills on time and stay out of collections completely, but if a collector contacts you, comply and pay or explain your circumstance. A collector’s duty is to settle the debt; therefore, they are probably willing to work with you to make some payment choices.

6. All debtors are safeguarded under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

According to Investopedia, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) restricts the behavior and activities of third-party debt collectors who are trying to collect debts on behalf of another person or company.

Essentially, the FDCPA shields borrowers against unfair, abusive, or dishonest debt collectors. The FDCPA, however, only covers consumer borrowers; it does not cover business debtors. Although there are presently no federal rules that regulate the collection of commercial debt, the majority of states have legislation that does.

7. You can only bother collecting unpaid balances once an invoice is past due

In reality, debt collection begins before the first contract is agreed upon. An expert debt collector may offer guidance on drafting credit applications, contracts, and bills to make the collection more straightforward and successful. A debt collector may be a vital member of your company team, just like a lawyer or an accountant.

8. You can’t handle debt negotiations by yourself

Some credit repair businesses assert that they alone can negotiate consumer debt. You can get in touch with your creditors on your own if you have debt.

There is no harm in attempting to settle debts with short installments or lower interest rates. Arranging a payment plan and putting your debts back on track could take a lot of work, but generally speaking, you can, with one major exception. Anyone sued or whose wages are being garnished due to a judgment needs to talk with a lawyer immediately. To assist you in constructing a repayment plan, you might contact a nonprofit credit counseling organization.

9. You may settle your debt with the original creditor rather than a debt collector

Many businesses use third-party agencies to collect debt on their behalf. The original creditor no longer owns the debt if they sell it to a collection agency. You cannot ignore the collection agency since it is contacting you for a reason. The good news is that most collection companies make it as simple as possible for debtors to repay their debts. Most provide payment choices, such as a payment plan or an online payment gateway.

10. It will hurt your business and reputation

Working with a firm with different objectives as yours might affect your reputation. However, look for a debt-collecting agency that has glowing testimonials and a solid reputation and will respect your brand and corporate culture. Before you submit any debts to the firm for collection, talk to the staff members. Use a business referred to you by a friend or professional contact. When making a choice, consider openness, honesty, and effective communication.

An example of a Debt Collection Success Story

Most nations have already passed the heights of the COVID-19-driven lockdowns and limitations, but the difficulties of debt recovery during the epidemic persist. As the pandemic-induced recession hits the state finances hard, the International Monetary Fund forecasted that Britons alone would need to borrow more than £400 billion in the next two years. Let’s look at an individual who beat debt collection as an example.

Subject: Ty’Lisha, 32, Houston

Debt: $100,000

Payoff time: 8 years

Upon graduating from college, Ty’Lisha and her spouse accrued a debt of $100,000. With the aid of a financial advisor and Dave Ramsey’s well-known debt snowball strategy, they could become debt-free.

The snowball method prioritizes debt from the top to the lowest interest rate and is comparable to Matthew’s. As soon as they settled the first obligation, Ty’Lisha explained, “we would utilize the monthly allotted money and carry it over to the next bill on the list, paying beyond the minimum necessary until they settled the next debt, and then we went down the list until we were debt-free.

With SpenDebt, an app that adds a predetermined sum to each debit transaction and then delivers that money to the creditor, Ty’Lisha and her husband started assisting other individuals in getting out of debt.

The Importance of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, protects consumers against the intimidation and threats that debt collectors may make against them. Some strategies are prohibited, such as:

  • To force you to pay, they will pose as a lawyer, a member of the police, or someone else other than a debt collector.
  • You are lying about the debt, stating that you owe more money than you do or where the loan originated.
  • Other dishonest or violent behavior, such as threatening to have you arrested.

You can report detrimental actions taken by debt collectors or anybody claiming to be trying to collect a debt to the appropriate government bodies. This is how:

  • File a complaint and contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  • Inform the Federal Trade Commission of your grievance.
  • File a complaint and contact the attorney general of your state.

You can also sue a debt collector for misleading activities under the FDCPA. If you prevail in federal court, the creditor will cover your legal costs and perhaps compensate you for your losses.

Debt Collection vs. Debt Buying

On behalf of the original Creditors, the BFSI corporations who provided the loan, collection agencies only collect or recover the debt from the borrowers. Debt purchasers, however, are distinct from these organizations. Debt purchasers turn into creditors after they purchase the debt.

Debt buyers often purchase a specific quantity of debt at a reduced cost before beginning the collection procedure. The primary distinction is that debt purchasers are the actual creditors and do not collect on behalf of anybody.

Before purchasing a debt, debt buyers conduct a thorough market analysis. Based on that study report, they evaluate their ability to collect the debt within the anticipated time frame to maintain profitability.

Stay Away From These Debt Collection Myths to Grow Now

There are numerous myths about debt collection, the ones mentioned above are only a few of the most widespread. Nearly 56% of firms have recorded writing down more than 1% of revenue and capital loans as uncollectible. Since 2013, this proportion has risen steadily. You may get assistance from debt collection agencies.

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All You Need to Know About Debt Repayment Tue, 01 Nov 2022 20:20:05 +0000 debt repayment programs

Debt repayment can seem like an impossible task, but with a little bit of knowledge and some hard work, you can get yourself out of debt.

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debt repayment programs

It’s no secret that the United States is in a lot of debt. The country’s total public debt is now more than $22 trillion. That’s more than $167,000 per citizen. And it’s only getting worse. The U.S. government spends more money than it takes in, and it doesn’t look like that trend is going to change any time soon. So how do you get out of this mess?

Debt repayment can seem like an impossible task, but with a little bit of knowledge and some hard work, you can get yourself out of debt and on the path to financial freedom. Let’s look at six things you need to know about debt repayment.

How Much Debt You Have Matters

The first step in getting out of debt is understanding exactly how much debt you owe. Total up your credit card balances, student loans, car loans, and any other debts you may have. Don’t forget to include interest rates and monthly payments in your calculations.

On the other hand, it also matters what kind of debt you’ve found yourself in. For example, debt from a mortgage or investment is typically considered “good debt” because it’s an investment in your future. On the other hand, “bad debt” is usually a high-interest debt that doesn’t offer any tax benefits, like credit card debt.

You Need a Plan

Getting out of debt takes time and effort, therefore, you need to develop a plan and stick to it. But before you do that, you need to understand your overall financial goals. Do you want to be debt-free as quickly as possible? Or are you more concerned about making the minimum payments and keeping your monthly payments low?

Therefore, figure out how much you can realistically afford to pay each month, and make sure you’re paying at least that much. If you can’t make huge payments, don’t worry. Even small payments will add up over time and help you get out of debt faster.

Additionally, consider alternative repayment methods. For example, you may be able to consolidate your debts or negotiate with your creditors for a lower interest rate. If you have car debts, a lien sale is a DMV procedure that could reduce or eliminate the interest rate on your vehicle loan, as well as the monthly payments. It’s important to explore all of your options and find the repayment method that works best for you.

You Need to Be Disciplined

Getting out of debt requires discipline so you need to be diligent about making your monthly payments and resist the temptation to take on new debt. Additionally, you may need to make some sacrifices to free up extra money to put toward your debt repayment. For example, you may need to cut back on unnecessary expenses, like eating out or going on vacations.

It’s also important to have an emergency fund in case you experience a financial setback. This will help you avoid adding to your debt and set you back further.

On the other hand, if you’re disciplined with your spending and make all of your payments on time, you can start to build up your credit score. This will give you access to better interest rates in the future and help you reach financial freedom sooner.

You Need to Be Patient

Getting out of debt takes time, so you need to be patient. It’s important to keep making your monthly payments, even if it feels like you’re not making any progress. It can also be tempting to take out a debt consolidation loan or another type of loan to get out of debt quicker, but this is usually not a good idea because these loans usually have high-interest rates and can end up costing you more in the long run.

However, if you’re struggling to make your monthly payments, don’t wait until you’re about to default on your debt to take action. Instead, be proactive and reach out to your creditors as soon as possible because many of them are willing to work with you to develop a payment plan that fits your budget.

You Need to Be Mindful of Your Credit Score

Finally, your credit score is important because it determines the interest rate you’ll pay on loans and other lines of credit. A high credit score means you’re a low-risk borrower and will qualify for the best interest rates. On the other hand, a low credit score means you’re a high-risk borrower and will likely have to pay higher interest rates.

There are a few things you can do to improve your credit score, like paying your bills on time and keeping your credit card balances low. However, it takes time to build up your credit score, so be patient.

Getting out of debt is possible with a little bit of knowledge and some hard work. By following these six tips, you can develop a plan to get out of debt and on the path to financial freedom. Whether you have car debt, student loan debt, or credit card debt, you can find a repayment method that works for you.

Just be sure to be disciplined, patient, and mindful of your credit score.

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8 Books That Seriously Changed My Life and My Finances Sun, 23 Oct 2022 19:19:00 +0000 life changing books

These are 8 books that completely changed my life and my finances. I also include an additional 7 books that really helped my finances.

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life changing books

You know the books that are hard to put down.

I mean…you know you should probably be working on a project or doing some household chores, but…the book is just so good.

And you will just read one more page…okay, maybe one more.

Before you know it, you’ve finished the book…in one sitting.

It’s happened to me. Actually, it happens all the time.

With other books, you will find that once you put it down, it’s hard to pick it back up again.

What makes the difference? What makes a great book…great?

Well, a number of things, but usually it boils down to one of these two things…

Great content or a great writer. If you are really lucky, you may get both.

The Books On This List

You will find one or both of those qualities throughout this list and if you are really motivated about making a positive change in your finances, I think you will have a hard time putting these books down.

I know I did.

I have hand-picked the books on this list with great care. I didn’t just throw a list together.

These books have literally changed my life. If it’s on this list, it’s worth reading.

Now I give you the 8 books that seriously changed my life…

1. How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler

I know. It seems ironic to read a book about…reading a book, but this book is a must. Mortimer explains how you should read different books in different ways. He defines 4 levels of reading: Elementary, Inspectional, Analytical and Syntopical. If you want to get the most out of any book you read, pick this one up first. He even goes over the most productive way to flip through a book and decide if it’s worth reading.

2. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

I have more writing and highlighting in this book than any other (possibly with the exception of my Bible…possibly). He will give you more practical and applicable advice than you will know what to do with. It’s not just some motivational self-help book. This is a must read.

3. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

The power of The Slight Edge is unmatched. This is a great book on accomplishing huge things in small ways. You will be able to implement some imediate positive changes after reading this one. It’s packed with useful and applicable advice.

4. His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley, Jr.

What does this book have to do with money? Not much at face value, but once you get into it, you may realize a thing or two about how money affects your spouse and your relationship. This was a foundational book on understanding how my wife views our finances. And being on the same page with your spouse is a major key to your financial success.

5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

I’m sure you have heard me recommend this book before. It’s all about having the right mindset. Change your thinking and you can change your finances.

6. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

This is the first book I ever read on finances and it is still my foundation today. Read this first and go from there.

7. Rapid Debt Reduction by John Avanzini

Hands down, the best book on getting of debt. 100% practical and applicable methods for getting out of credit card debt, personal loans, and paying off your mortgage.

8. The Holy Bible by God

Heard of it? It may seem silly to put it on this list, but the Bible really has changed my finances and my life. From the wisdom of the Proverbs to the unmatched words of Jesus, you can learn a thing or two about handling money, Christian or not. It didn’t seem right to leave this one out.

7 More Books to Add to Your Read List

These are some other books that have made a huge impact on my finances, but I wouldn’t categorize them in the “changed my life” category.

They are great books and you should definitely read them. They just didn’t quite make the cut. It may have to do more with the fact that I read these after I already had an understanding of my finances, rather than the quality of the books.

Sometimes reading the right book at the right time is just as important as the book you choose to read.

So, don’t forget about these:

Don’t forget to check out: 4 Ways to Get Cheap Books and Free Books

The post 8 Books That Seriously Changed My Life and My Finances appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

The Pros and Cons of Debt Forgiveness Programs in Canada Fri, 23 Sep 2022 00:39:06 +0000 debt forgiveness canada

Keep in mind, while these programs can help you get out of debt, they're not a silver bullet - you'll still need to make a concerted effort.

The post The Pros and Cons of Debt Forgiveness Programs in Canada appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

debt forgiveness canada

Debt forgiveness programs can be a great way to get out of debt, but they also have their drawbacks. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of debt forgiveness programs available in Canada so you can decide if one is right for you.

Keep in mind that while these programs can help you get out of debt, they’re not a silver bullet – you’ll still need to make a concerted effort to get your finances under control. So, let’s get started!

What is Debt Forgiveness?

Debt forgiveness is a process by which your debt is partially or completely forgiven. This usually happens when you are unable to make your payments and your lender agrees to write off the debt. There are several reasons why someone might seek debt forgiveness, but the most common is simply that they are unable to make their payments.

If you are struggling to make your debt payments, you may want to consider debt forgiveness as a way to get relief. However, it’s important to understand that debt forgiveness is not a quick fix, and it may have some negative consequences. For example, debt forgiveness may result in a lower credit score, which could make it difficult to get new credit in the future.

You should also be aware that debt forgiveness is taxable income, so you may owe taxes on the amount of debt that is forgiven. Before making any decisions about debt forgiveness, be sure to learn more about the pros and cons.

What Are The Debt Forgiveness Programs Available?

There are certain debt relief programs available in Canada that can provide some measure of debt forgiveness. These programs can be helpful for those who are struggling to repay their debts in full. 

Some of these programs offer debt forgiveness, which can help reduce the amount of debt you owe. Other programs make it easier for you to repay your debt in full by making payments more manageable.

Debt relief can provide a fresh start, but it’s not without its challenges. You’ll still need to be disciplined with your finances in order to avoid falling back into debt. But if you’re struggling to make ends meet, debt relief may be worth considering.

Check out the pros and cons of some of the most popular debt relief programs:

Consumer Proposal

A consumer proposal is a legal process that can allow you to reduce your debt and repay what you owe over time. It’s the most popular debt solution in Canada, but it’s not right for everyone.

One of the biggest pros of a consumer proposal is that it can reduce your payments to an amount that you can afford. This can provide immediate relief and help you get back on track. Additionally, a consumer proposal is a legal process, which means that your creditors are bound by the terms of the proposal. This can provide protection from things like wage garnishments or collection calls.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. One of the biggest drawbacks is that a consumer proposal is a public record. This means that anyone who checks your credit report will be able to see that you’ve filed a consumer proposal. Additionally, a consumer proposal is a complex legal process, which means it can be time-consuming and expensive. 


Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps debtors to repay their creditors. The main purpose of bankruptcy is to give the bankrupt a fresh start by forgiving their debt and allowing them to keep some of their assets.

One of the main advantages of bankruptcy is that it can provide almost instant debt relief. This means that debt forgiveness can help to ease the financial burden on the debtor. Another advantage is that some assets are protected from seizure during bankruptcy proceedings. This includes assets such as your home, car, and personal belongings. Finally, bankruptcy can also stop wage garnishment meaning that you will no longer have to worry about your wages being seized by creditors.

One of the main disadvantages is that it will damage your credit rating for several years. This can make it difficult to obtain credit in the future. Another disadvantage is that you may have to give up some of your assets in order to repay your creditors. Finally, you may also have to pay certain debts in full, even after your bankruptcy has been discharged.

Debt Management Plan

A debt management plan is a debt relief solution that can help you pay off debt. The debt management plan will work with your creditors to create a payment plan that fits your budget and gives you up to five years to pay off your debt. This can be a good option if you’re struggling to make your minimum payments, as it can reduce your payments and help you get out of debt.

However, there are some disadvantages to a debt management plan. One is that all of your creditors must agree to the debt management plan, which may not be possible. Additionally, while your payments will be reduced, you will eventually have to pay off your entire debt, which can be difficult. Another disadvantage is that you will have to contact your creditors yourself to set up the debt management plan, which can be daunting.

Time to Get Started

If you or someone you know is struggling with debt, it’s important to seek out debt relief options and find the solution that’s right for you. These are just a few of the most popular debt relief programs, but there are many more options available.

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Individual Voluntary Arrangement: Is an IVA Right for Me? Thu, 15 Sep 2022 21:11:34 +0000 iva right decision

If you're struggling with debt, it's important to act now. If you don't, your debt problem could get worse.

The post Individual Voluntary Arrangement: Is an IVA Right for Me? appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

iva right decision

If you’re struggling with debt, it’s important to act now. If you don’t, your debt problem could get worse.

One way to deal with your debt is to enter into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). This is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors to repay your debts over a set period of time. IVAs are a popular debt solution, but they’re not right for everyone. Before you decide to enter into an IVA, it’s important to understand how they work and to make sure that an IVA is the right debt solution for you.

If you’re considering an IVA, we’ve put together some information to help you make a decision.

What Is An IVA?

An IVA is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors to repay your debts over a set period of time. IVAs are a popular debt solution, but they’re not right for everyone. Before you decide to enter into an IVA, it’s important to understand how they work and to make sure that an IVA is the right debt solution for you.

How Does An IVA Work?

When you enter into an IVA, you agree to repay your creditors a certain amount of money each month for a set period of time. This money is used to pay off your debts, as well as the fees of the IVA company and your creditors.

At the end of the IVA, any remaining debt is written off. This means that you don’t have to pay back anything else.

Is An IVA Right For Me?

An IVA might be right for you if you’re struggling to repay your debts and you owe money to more than one creditor. You should also consider an IVA if you are unable to get a debt consolidation loan and you’re facing bankruptcy.

Key Advantages Of Ivas

1. Your debt will be written off after five years

An IVA is a formal agreement between you and your creditors to repay your debts over a period of 5 years. After you have made the agreed repayments for this period, any remaining debt will be written off. This can provide a fresh start for struggling individuals and allow them to get their finances back on track.

2. An IVA can help you keep your home

If you’re struggling to make your mortgage repayments, an IVA can help you keep your home. This is because IVAs give you more time to repay your debts, which means that you’re less likely to default on your mortgage.

3. You’ll only make one monthly payment

With an IVA, you’ll only have to make one monthly payment. This payment will go towards repaying your debts, as well as the fees of the IVA company and your creditors. This can make budgeting easier and help you get out of debt more quickly.

4. IVAs are confidential

IVAs are confidential and your creditors cannot contact you directly. This can provide some peace of mind for individuals who are struggling with debt. Your employer will also not be informed about your IVA.

Key Disadvantages Of Ivas

1. IVAs can be expensive

IVAs can be expensive, as you’ll have to pay the IVA company’s fees as well as your creditors’ fees. This can make it difficult to repay your debts and may leave you with less money each month.

2. IVAs can affect your credit rating

Your IVA will be recorded on your credit file and this could affect your ability to get credit in the future. This is because IVAs are a type of insolvency and creditors may view you as a high-risk borrower.

3. IVAs can be inflexible

Once you enter into an IVA, you’ll have to stick to the repayment plan. This can be difficult if your financial circumstances change and you’re unable to make the agreed repayments.

4. IVAs are not right for everyone

IVAs are not right for everyone and you should consider all of your options before deciding to enter into one. IVAs are a serious debt solution and should only be considered if you’re struggling to repay your debts.

If you’re considering an IVA, we suggest that you speak to a qualified debt advisor who can help you decide if an IVA is the right debt solution for you.

The post Individual Voluntary Arrangement: Is an IVA Right for Me? appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

7 Useful Money Tips to Make the Debt-Paying Process Easier Sun, 26 Jun 2022 19:54:40 +0000 7 Useful Money Tips to Make the Debt-Paying Process Easier

Are you struggling to pay off your debts? Are you finding it difficult to make ends meet each month? If so, you are not alone.

The post 7 Useful Money Tips to Make the Debt-Paying Process Easier appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

7 Useful Money Tips to Make the Debt-Paying Process Easier

Are you struggling to pay off your debts? Are you finding it difficult to make ends meet each month? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat. In this blog post, we will discuss some useful money tips that can help make the debt-paying process a little bit easier. We will also provide information on how to get help if you are feeling overwhelmed. So, read on for helpful advice and information!

1. Make a Budget

One of the best ways to get control of your finances is to create a budget. When you know where your money is going, it is easier to make adjustments and find areas where you can cut back. There are many helpful budgeting tools available online or you can use a pen and paper.

If you are not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available to help you. You can find helpful tips and information in books or on websites. Once you have a budget in place, stick to it as much as possible. It may take some time to get used to living on a budget, but it is worth it in the long run.

2. Get Help

If you are struggling to make ends meet, it is important to get help. There are many organizations that can offer assistance. Furthermore, there are also government programs that can help. Do some research to find out what is available in your area.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is also important to reach out to a friend or family member for support. Sometimes just talking to someone who understands can make a world of difference. Also, remember that you are not alone. Millions of people are in debt and many have found ways to successfully get out of it. Ask a close one to help you financially if needed.

3. Make Extra Money

If you have some extra time, consider taking on a part-time job or starting a side hustle. There are many ways to make extra money these days. You can start a blog, do some freelance work, or even sell items you no longer need.

Making extra money can be a great way to pay off your debts faster. It can also help you build up an emergency fund so that you are less likely to rely on credit in the future. In addition, it can give you some extra breathing room in your budget each month. This way, if you have an unexpected expense, you are less likely to fall into another debt.

4. Check Payday Loan Relief Plans

Payday loans are a type of short-term loan that can be very expensive. If you are struggling and wondering how to pay off your payday loans, there are some relief options available. You can consider consolidating your loans or enrolling in a repayment plan. There are also some non-profit organizations that can offer assistance. Also, be sure to check with your state regulator to see what options are available to you. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of any relief option before you sign up for it. This is important because some options may require you to take on more debt in the long run.

5. Create a Debt Repayment Plan

If you are struggling to make your monthly payments, it may be helpful to create a debt repayment plan. This can help you stay organized and on track. When creating a plan, be sure to list all of your debts from smallest to largest. Then, focus on making the minimum payment on each debt. Once you have paid off the small debt, you can move on to the next one.

If you are having difficulty making your payments, there are a few things you can do to make it easier. You can ask for a lower interest rate or extend your repayment term. Keep in mind that these options will likely result in you paying more interest in the long run. However, they can provide some relief in the short term.

6. Consider Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is another option to consider if you are struggling with debt. This involves taking out a new loan to pay off your existing debts. The benefit of this is that you will have one monthly payment instead of several. In addition, you may be able to get a lower interest rate on your new loan.

Before you consolidate your debt, be sure to do your research. There are both good and bad consolidation options available. You want to make sure you choose a plan that is right for your situation. In addition, be sure to shop around for the best interest rate.

7. Seek Professional Help

If you are struggling to manage your debt, you may want to seek professional help. There are many options available, such as credit counseling or financial planning. A professional can help you create a budget and develop a plan to get out of debt. They can also offer support and guidance along the way. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Debt can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. Millions of people are in debt and many have found ways to successfully get out of it. There are a variety of options available, such as debt consolidation or repayment plans. You can also seek professional help if you need additional support. By following these money tips, you can make the debt-paying process easier.

The post 7 Useful Money Tips to Make the Debt-Paying Process Easier appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

10 Little-Known Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast Thu, 23 Jun 2022 22:05:41 +0000 10 Little-Known Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast

Contentment is the key to living a debt-free life. After paying off my debt for almost four years, I want to share some adjustments that helped me.

The post 10 Little-Known Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.

10 Little-Known Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast

The number one secret to getting out of debt is effortless – ask someone who has been there. Someone like me.

Today, the average family devotes 25% of its spendable income to outstanding debts. And we need to get more and more to keep up.

While measuring ourselves to our friends and neighbors before, we now compare ourselves with social media personalities and cover models. Or that’s the way it seems on platforms like Instagram.

Contentment is the key to living a debt-free life. After paying off my debt for almost four years, I want to share some adjustments that helped me. They were powerful tools for me to get out of debt fast, and many people overlook them.

These approaches might not work for everybody, depending on where you live and your circumstances, but I believe some will help you reach your debt-freedom goals. You can adjust any of these to your current lifestyle with a little creativity.

1. Live With Less

When you want to pay off your debt, you need to be able to live with less. Many people have a house full of things they don’t use more than once a year.

If we look at the 80/20 rule, it shows that you use 20% of the things for 80% of the time. The other 80% of your stuff takes up space and is rarely used.

So, why not try to sell the items you have? You can use the money to pay off debt and keep items you love.

When you have items you want to sell, you can even step up your game and advertise them in your local newspaper to get a higher price. You can also list your items online on Craigslist or Craigslist alternatives like Decluttr, LetGo, or OfferUp.

2. Always Negotiate

One of the fastest ways to get out of debt is to negotiate. There are plenty of things you can negotiate, including:

  • Your phone plan – you can disconnect your home phone if you rarely use it, and you can call your provider to see what they can do for your mobile phone plan.
  • Always negotiate your salary.
  • When you’re on vacation abroad, it’s perfectly normal to negotiate in many countries. If you travel for weeks, this can save you some serious money toward your debt.
  • If you opt to buy more things second-hand, that’s also a perfect opportunity to slightly negotiate the price.
  • When you’re paying interest on your credit cards, negotiate your rate down to pay off your debt quicker.

3. Explore Gardening

Gardening is an excellent idea when you have a yard or balcony. You can create a small vegetable garden and raise animals like chicken, turkey, rabbits, or quail for your consumption. If you decide to have animals, consult local laws first. If you just want plants, you can start today!

I don’t have a garden, but I have tomato and paprika plants on my balcony. It’s fun to see the tomatoes grow and eventually eat them yourself. Plus, it will save money as well, win-win!

4. Alternatives to Entertainment

If you want to get out of debt fast, one quick way is to cut back on entertainment. I have friends spending over $500 a month on things like going out, festivals, etc. Going to the movies can cost a lot of money and add up quickly, especially if you’re a larger family.

I don’t have cable TV, and we don’t need that, given that we have online subscription services that provide more than enough series and movies to watch. Of course, if you get value from your TV subscription and enjoy it, you can always opt to keep it. In that case, downgrading your current subscription could be an option.

5. Ask if it’s a Want or Need

You need to analyze whether your spending focuses on your wants or your needs. Wants can include:

  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Newspapers
  • Manicures or pedicures
  • The newest clothing items
  • Eating out multiple times per week

Shifting your spending from wants to needs will make a big difference in the overall picture. That is largely connected to lifestyle inflation, don’t increase your standard of living too much, or it’ll be hard to go back.

6. Meal Plan

When you’re looking to cut back on grocery expenses, buy in bulk and meal plan. When you’re buying items in bulk, especially when there is a good sale, you’ll be saving a lot of money in the long term.

Make a weekly meal plan to know what you’ll be eating and what you need from the supermarket. Going to the grocery store once per week will significantly reduce your grocery bill, as will buying in bulk. On top of that, you’ll be less tempted to go out to eat or get lunch at work. I’d say that’s a win-win.

7. Boost Your Income

When you want to boost your income, getting temporary or seasonal work may be able to help you with that. For example, you can:

8. Get Creative With Your Spending

When you’re getting creative with your spending, there is plenty of room to spend on the things you value and pay off debt. You can get creative by doing most of the household yourself. Sticking with water when you go out to eat. Or split the main course.

Another frugal living tip is packing your lunch regularly and making your coffee at home instead of buying it each day. You can invite your friends over instead of going out.

You’ll save a little money each day when getting that low-hanging fruit first. Over time, that money will add up to a significant amount. When you get creative with your spending, you’ll notice even more things where you can save and accelerate your debt payoff.

9. Return Things You Don’t Need

You may sometimes buy something you don’t need when you’re getting out of debt. Working on spending less means that you’ll buy things that you don’t need at times.

Of course, you can keep it, but you can also return it to the store. You are not obligated to keep it, and it’s a little bit of extra effort to return it, but it’s worth it.

10. Give Even More

What, give? Yeah, you read that right. When you want to pay off your debt, give!

It changes your mindset around money and gives you joy. When you’re doing something for somebody else, you’ll feel good about yourself.

Even when you’re in debt, perhaps especially when you’re in debt, you should make giving a priority in your budget. No matter your income or where you are in your debt payoff journey, giving to others will make you feel better.

When you feel better about yourself, you’ll be able to get into the debt payoff groove better. So why not start now?

Conclusion – Get Out Of Debt Fast

Many people are struggling with getting out of debt, as it is hard to balance your needs and wants while paying off debt. All your focus can go to your debt, and with these tips, you’ll be sure to pay them off quicker.

Where you can, avoid debt. For many of us, it’s not a choice. Once you’re in debt, it’s possible to get out. Put in the work, and soon you’ll come out on the other side without debt.

The post 10 Little-Known Ways to Get Out of Debt Fast appeared first on MoneyMiniBlog.
